Sunday, May 01, 2005

What do you wear?

What do you wear to a 90's party? Do I have it in my closet?

Wasn't the 90s like not just the other day? When will the Millenium parties start?

I am still not used to the 80s parties though.


Does a Clash Poster look out of place in a middle aged guys house?


darth said...

90's party?

wasn't the 90s a celebration of the return of the 70's fashions?

and rock posters are fine as long as they are tastefully framed like fine opposed to tacked up like it was in your dorm room..

MoonshineMike said...

no tacks! nice wooden gilt framing holding Joe Strummer aloft! Now it all makes sense....sort of.

I knew someone who framed concert tickets. eek.